Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Trip Update

Well, we made it through the flying just fine. The kids were a lot less freaked out than I expected, thank goodness!

Unfortunately, the flight left the airport at 4:40 in the morning, and although I set the alarm for 2:00 a.m., it didn't go off. We woke up at 3:00 and despite that we managed to shower, pack the car, and drive 20 miles and still get at the airport a half hour early. I don't know how we did it...must have been some kind of magic.

We're in Oregon where it has been pouring rain, windy, gray, and dismal. I miss the snow and sunshine in North Dakota!

Anyway, that's the latest. Several more days, then back on a plane and back home.

Talk to y'all later!


alana said...

hope you have fun :)

Angie Ledbetter said...

Enjoy your time away from it all!

Kathryn Magendie said...

Oregon! Ohh--it would be fun if we were there at the same time - then we'd say "Hey - " and "oh hey!" and "well --" and "well!" and "so, blogged lately?" "no, you?" "no, I'm here in oregon..." "oh, me too!"
then we'd have coffee and pastries and all is well and right with the world *laugh!*

M. Bail said...

Kathryn - you made me GTM (that's shorthand for giggle to myself). So when are you going to be in Oregon...and what part of Oregon? We're touring the Willamette Valley on the family-visiting excursion: first Beaverton, then Grants Pass, then Dallas, then back to Beaverton, then to the airport and back to ND. *whew* !

Unknown said...

I can't believe you made it to the airport in that amount of time. You are an inspiration! :)

Oregon is a lovely state. But ... unfortunately ... you probably aren't seeing it at it's best. First they had record amounts of snow and now record amounts of rain (and flooding). Well ... hope you're enjoying yourself despite the weather!

Small Footprints

Leon1234 said...

Hey, fellow writer? How are you doing?

Leon1234 said...

Hey, fellow writer? How are you doing?