Monday, May 10, 2010

Creativity Workshop: Week in Review

As part of Merilee's creativity workshop, every Sunday participants are required to post a review and analysis of the previous week's creative activities and then revisit the goals for the upcoming week.

Because I'm a rebel who doesn't follow rules and bucks the system whenever possible (but mostly because I'm chronically late for everything) I'm posting my review and goals today. I'll do my best to accomplish this on Sundays in the future, but we'll see how that goes. My life is fluid and always in motion so I figure if I accomplish goals within 1-2 days of their due date I'm doing well.

That being said, last week was the first week of the workshop and the only assignments were to brainstorm some interests we might want to work on during the course of the workshop, then select a few of those interests and formulate some goals and specific tasks meant to accomplish them. Even though I joined the workshop late, I'm pleased to say I completed both assignments (and they were both done on time, too...nearly a first for me!)

My goals for this upcoming week: For weeks 1-4 I decided I was going to work on exploring genre fiction by writing four stories of different genres (horror, sci-fi, western, detective). Let me start by saying, what was I thinking? I know nothing about any of these genres and they make me uncomfortable. But I suppose that's the point of a creativity workshop, no?

Okay, so I'll start this week by writing sci-fi and I'm going to use the motif of doors to connect the four stories. My goals for this week will include doing some research into what exactly defines a sci-fi story and then brainstorming some ideas. I think I have a general idea of what I want to write, but I find it intimidating and scary when reading the blogs of other participants that they've got stories clearly outlined in their heads and I'm coming up distinctly blank. And I have one week to write a (one would hope) coherent sci-fi story. Yikes.

I am, however, comforted that Merilee noted on her blog that she anticipates making false starts and that "learning words are never wasted." I shall take that to heart.

And now, off I go to learn about sci-fi. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

You should write your sci-fi story in iambic pentameter. Just sayin'.

I'm thinking about changing my goal of writing a sci-fi story to writing a steampunk one. I haven't the foggiest how to write sci-fi, and reserve the right to cheat. :)

Good luck, good lady!

Anonymous said...

I found myself asking that big question also - What was I thinking. I think thinking is non-constructive, or non-creative or both, or not. Heck I'm just going to write and quit thinking so much.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo I'm writing about sci-fi this week (rather, I should be doing it right now.) So if you get stuck and need help (not that I'd be much help) or someone to rant to, I'm here!

Unknown said...

Simon and Margaret: Science Fiction covers any story set within the confines of the universe as we know it, and includes an idea or concept that is possible within our universal laws.

So you could imagine an invention that could change the way we live, and write about that. You could write about where humanity will be at the end of the universe. You could write about living on another planet or celestial body which has a different environment to ours.

The most important question from any good science fiction story is "what is humanity?" IT is a question SF authors come back to again and again. All the fancy gadgets and extraterrestrial locations are just a way of illustrating the answer.

I hope that helps!

And remember, no-one will see this except you. Don't be blocked by the fear that what you are writing won't meet any "specification". Write what SF feels like to you! Play. Explore. This is about freeing yourself from fear and dipping a toe in the icy southern ocean.

Meredith said...

Merrilee, I so enjoyed your definition of sci-fi. That's probably why both my father and husband *love* the stuff (and me, too, when they pass along recommendations for the best of it).

Margaret, I like that you're a rebel. Write the sci-fi your way! What's the worst that could happen? ;)

That said, I'm wondering why I thought I could write humor...

Chibi said...

It's always difficult to go into a new genre, especially when you're not sure what it entails. I know that's been my biggest issue with branching out. But I think sci fi is a good one to start with... as you can tell by Merilee's description, it's a genre that encompasses a LOT of stuff. I hope your research makes you feel a bit more comfortable with going forward.