Monday, December 29, 2008

Having the Rug Pulled Out

Just when I think my life is sailing along smoothly, life pulls the rug out from under me.

I found out last week that the company I work for is being acquired by a much larger company. I have been offered a job with the new company and assurances that my job and my pay will remain the same at least thru Jan 31.

Wow, that long? Gosh, the security is so warm and fuzzy. A whole month.

After having looked at the teeny tiny bit of information they've provided to us after much begging and pestering, from what I can figure out so far is that my job will be significantly different as will my pay after Jan 31...and not for the better.

I've spent a lot of frantic hours lately looking for another job, but of course with the economy in the tank, the job market is not so great. Everyone's cutting back. Nobody's hiring. They're making due with the employees they've got.

So it seems I'm trapped. I either tolerate a significantly different job that I don't want, with less pay which will make it incredibly difficult to support my family, or else I don't have a job at all. What a choice.

I've been just sick with panic. This company, coupled with the company I currently work for, chose 5:00 p.m. the Friday before Christmas to inform everyone of this merger. All of us have been upset and there seem to be few, if any, answers to our questions. I hate to be a glass is half empty kind of person, but what does that say about the company we're going into?

So, I will be spending January desperately searching for a new job, and crossing my fingers that things won't turn out nearly as badly as it seems they will.


Claire said...

Oh, that's terrible. I just lost my job (last day was December 19) due to a merger, but the company that acquired us was very open with information, and very generous with severance. I hope you find something soon.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Hope you don't mind, I'm over here from Gumbo Writer's place. I saw the title "Having the Rug..." and clicked --

I hope everything works out for you; what a scary time.

I'll send you some positive vibes...

Angie Ledbetter said...

So sorry. Praying whatever changes come are ultimtely good for you!

Henry Chourou said...

Things will drastically change for the better as the year changes. That's what the word "fair" is for,considering all the efforts you've done. I pray so from Far East.

Sal said...

I shall mention you in my prayers, and hope something better comes your way...

M. Bail said...

Thank you all for your kind words and support. It makes me feel so much better and hopeful!