Friday, June 4, 2010

Dream Sequence Blogfest

Thanks to Amalia T. over at Good To Begin Well, Better to End Well, for hosting the Dream Sequence Blogfest.

This is my teeny tiny entry.

Holly was dreaming of Shadow. In her dream, he was sweet and kind instead of aggravating. She smiled and sighed as he took her in his arms and held her. She didn’t care that it felt like giving in, it was where she belonged. He wasn’t condescending or possessive, he just fit. In her dream, he kissed her and she sighed his name. He kissed her again and she kissed him back. He tasted so real. His lips were soft and strong so she wrapped herself around him, and was rewarded when she heard him growl her name as his tongue snuck into her mouth. She pulled him closer.

Go to Amalia's blog and check out all the other entries. You won't be sorry!


Raquel Byrnes said...

I liked that she knew he was not himself, irritating, but didn't care. Such a sweet entry...short and spicy.

Great job.

Charity Bradford said...

Heh, heh. I kept thinking, she's going to wake up and he is staring at her. Or better yet, really kissing her. *sigh*

Very nice.

Unknown said...

In dreams even the most irritating of people can be everything we want them to be. A sweet and steamy dream scene.

Unknown said...

This is great. What other purpose could dreams possibly have than to make reality better? ; )

DL Hammons said...

Finally...a dream sequence that is actually a dream and not a nightmare! :)

Very nicely done!

sarahjayne smythe said...

Short and sweet. A great blogfest entry. :)

Hayley Lovell said...

Short, sweet, and great! I'm glad I got to your post, it was great now I want to know what happens when she wakes up!! I hope you get a chance to stop by and see my post, it's not half as short as yours, but I'd love your feedback.

Kris n' Kels said...

Short, but still managed to capture me! Beautiful!

dolorah said...

Sounds like she had a rough day and is dreaming a sweeter alternative. I like nice dreams sometimes, where we get to pick how we want others to behave. Especially those we love.

Very lovely.


Dawn Embers said...

Sweet, short and yet very intimate. Well done on the micro-fiction scene for the blogfest. ;-)

Amalia Dillin said...

Short and sweet! I love the idea that the dream is showing her that other side-- I hope this means that he isn't actually as irritating as she thought he was! I'm wondering if maybe short is part of the answer to crafting the perfect dream sequence...

Thanks for participating!!